I’m nearing my 10-year anniversary of first arriving in Nepal.
Thinking of who I am now vs. the young woman who left New York City in 2013 has me in the feels.

Sure, coming to Nepal alone is gutsy.
Staying to start A Dream Project from scratch and working day in and day out to build a sustainable, stable learning environment in a place that can be anything but that has led to more sacrifice and hardship than I could have ever possibly imagined.

I suppose when you start evaluating your life’s work, you must weigh benefits next to spent resources. (That’s ROI, for my business peeps.)

When I consider:
- The students who have been inspired because of Learning House
- Landscapes and cultures I might have only read about but got to experience
- Friends who encouraged me and believed in me, particularly in moments I didn’t believe in much

Worth a decade of my life?
Quite possibly.

From installing a solar grid to helping students experience new ideas and places, getting my research published, organizing hundreds of workshops and events, growing an education center that has reached thousands of students, mentoring leaders in the community…
I am proud.

While I’m not exactly the same woman I was 10 years ago, I am thankful that I held onto the bravery and courage needed to listen to my heart’s call, even when the path ahead was covered in fog.

A friend recently reminded me that the greatest stones are often buried in the thickest of earth.

I pray my efforts to spread kindness and creativity in a small corner of the world yield gems yet to be uncovered.